NARG Bylaws
- The North American Riders Group (NARG) was founded in Lexington, Kentucky on September 24, 2008. It’s founding members included Chris Kappler, McLain Ward, Beezie Madden, Norman Dello Joio, Jimmy Torano and Kent Farrington.The NARG was founded to represent the viewpoints and interests of all riders, trainers and owners in equestrian sport in North America. The NARG focus is to encourage growth of equestrian sport by improving the quality of events and controlling costs. We intend to effect change through constructive criticism and positive influence on our governing bodies through committee activities.
- Promote and ensure quality of horse shows in North America
- Controlling competition costs
- Regulation of prize money
- Promoting National Championship and North American Championship
- Mission Statement: The North American Riders Group is back on the show jumping scene with renewed intensity representing riders, owners, trainers and their horses, with a keen focus on improving our sport at a continental and global level.
- Vision Statement: Our goal is to be universally recognized as the effective voice of North American riders and the associated trainers coaches, horse owners, corporate sponsors and others involved with show jumping.
- Goals:
- Encourage the growth of equestrian sport and expand competitive opportunities by actively encouraging, assisting and recruiting new owners, trainers and riders.
- Improve quality and cost controls associated with the horse show competitions.
- Monitor performance and from a member’s perspective provide constructive criticism and other input to governing bodies, organizers and others involved in the sport.
- Ensure that established rules are observed and updated as required with particular attention to the welfare of the horse.
- Evaluation of the current horse show mileage rule.
- Evaluate and augment, if necessary, rider representation on USEF and FEI committees.
- Organization:
- the Executive Board
- the Regional Board
- the General Assembly
- the Account Auditors
- the Executive Director
- The Duties of the Various Bodies:
- The Executive Board
- the President
- the Vice President
- the Secretary General
- the Treasurer
- Six Members
The members of the Executive Board are elected for a term of office for two (2) years and are eligible an unlimited number of times.Meetings of the Executive Board are called by the President. The President represents the interests of the North American Riders Group at any meeting to which the NARG is invited. If the President cannot participate in a meeting, the Vice-President shall act in their absence. - Regional Board
- the East Coast
- the West Coast
- the Midwest
- Canada
- Mexico
The members of the Regional Board are elected for a term of office for two (2) years and are eligible an unlimited number of times.There will be two (2) members serving for each of the offices on the Regional Board. -
The General Assembly: The General Assembly is convened at least once a year; place, date and time to be decided by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall inform all members of the NARG in a timely manner about all current subjects of interest at least twenty-one (21) days before a meeting of the General Assembly. Decisions of the General Assembly are to be recorded in the form of written minutes. The minutes are to be signed by the Secretary General and in case of his/her incapacity by the President.The present members at the General Assembly will decide on the following points:
- Election of the Executive Board
- Election of the President for the term of two (2) years
- Election of Regional Board
- Dispensation of the Treasurer
- Change of the Statutes
- Admission of new members
- Approval of a yearly planning and evaluation of goals and objectives
- To set membership fee
- The Account Auditors: Two (2) Account Auditors are appointed from the General Assembly of members and are elected for two (2) years. It is not necessary for them to be NARG members. They are responsible for auditing the NARG financial accounts and writing a report to the General Assembly. The financial year is hereby defined by the calendar year.
- The Executive Director:
- The Executive Director is responsible for the coordination of all NARG activities.
- The Executive Director has no voice in any forum of the NARG convened by due process.
- The Executive Board
- Voting: The Executive Board decides by simple majority of the present members at a General Assembly. In case of equality of votes, the President has the casting vote. The General Assembly decides by simple majority of the present members. Upon request by 1/3 quorum of the present members, a secret vote must be conducted. No members may be represented by proxy. Each member is entitled to only one vote. Voting will take place by raise of hands. A secret ballot or a roll call may be requested by the majority of present members. A change in Satutes requires 2/3 majority of the present members, quorum.
Contributing Membership: The North American Riders Group (NARG) is open to any active rider within North America, Canada or Mexico in good standing with the United States Equestrian Federation.
Payment of membership, the level of which is set by the General Assembly is a prerequisite for a membership of the NARG.
A member may be excluded from membership by the General Assembly, subject however to the possibility of a prior hearing of the member with the Executive Board.
However, a member is excluded from membership as a result of non-payment of the membership fees for two consecutive years.
- Use of the Contributing Membership Fee: The membership fee serves for the promotion of the interests of the North American Riders Group (NARG) but is not limited to such expenses as administration and accounting costs.
Dissolution: The dissolution of the North American Riders Group (NARG) can only take upon request by 2/3 majority quorum of the members of the General Assembly.
The remaining funds at the time of the dissolution of the NARG will be transferred to the United States Equestrian Team by the Executive Board.
- Effectiveness The Statutes of the North American Riders Group (NARG) will become effective following approval by the General Assembly in TBD.